Treatments and Services

Kidney Health
- Bedside ultrasonography
- Laparoscopic and da Vinci® robotic surgery for kidney tumours and blocked kidneys
- Endoscopic surgery for kidney and urinary stones
- Evaluation of kidney cysts and urinary abnormalities
- Kidney transplantation
- Laparoscopic living-related donor nephrectomy

Bladder Health
- Bedside ultrasonography and uroflowmetry study
- Evaluation and treatments for early and advanced bladder cancers
- Evaluation and treatments for recurrent urinary tract infections
- Urodynamic / video-urodynamic study for overactive bladder and urinary voiding disorders
- Intra-bladder Botox® injections for refractory overactive bladder
- Urethral / autologous slings and artificial urinary sphincter surgery for stress urinary incontinence
- Laparoscopic and da Vinci® robotic surgery for bladder fistulas
- Transvaginal laser therapy for urinary incontinence

Prostate Health
- MRI-fusion targeted prostate biopsy for suspected prostate cancer
- da Vinci® robotic surgery for early prostate cancer
- Evaluation and management of advanced prostate cancer
- Evaluation and management of prostate enlargement and inflammation
- GreenLight laser vaporization for prostate enlargement/ obstruction
- Prostatic Urethral Lift (Urolift) for prostate enlargement/obstruction
- Rezūm (Water vapour therapy)
- HoLep

Men’s Health
and Fertility
- Laparoscopic surgery for groin (inguinal) hernias
- Evaluation and management of erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory dysfunction
- Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave treatment (LiESWT) for erectile dysfunction / chronic pelvic pain syndrome
- Penile implant/prosthesis for refractory erectile dysfunction
- Evaluation and management of penile curvatures and Peyronie’s Disease
- Evaluation and management of testosterone deficiency
- Evaluation and management of male subfertility
- Evaluation and management of scrotal and testicular lumps
- Sperm retrieval techniques (EEJ, PVS, TESA, TESE, micro TESE)
- Microsurgical varicocelectomy for symptomatic varicoceles and/or subfertility
- Male contraception (vasectomy) and reversal of vasectomy
- Circumcision for male adults and children

Women’s Health
- Evaluation and Management or Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
- Evaluation and Management of Urinary/ Stress Incontinence
- Evaluation and Management of Cystitis